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Alison Wills

10 Simple Strategies to Reduce Stress Before You Hit Rock Bottom

October 19, 20243 min read

10 Simple Strategies to Reduce Stress Before You Hit Rock Bottom

Stress sneaks up on us. One minute you’re handling everything just fine, and the next, you’re overwhelmed and wondering how things got so out of control. I’ve been there—pushing myself too far, trying to do it all, until I hit rock bottom. Now, I want to share some of the strategies that helped me reclaim peace and balance in my life. You don’t have to wait until things fall apart to make changes. Start now with these 10 simple strategies to reduce stress and create space for what really matters.

1. Say No Without Guilt

Learning to say no might be the most empowering thing you’ll ever do. It’s okay to protect your time and energy. Each time you say no to something that doesn’t serve you, you’re saying yes to something that does—your peace.

2. Create Space Between Activities

Rushing from one task to the next without a break leaves you feeling frazzled. Try leaving intentional gaps between activities, even if it’s just five minutes to breathe or have a quiet cup of tea. This space can be restorative and grounding.

3. Focus on What You Can Control

We often stress about things that are completely out of our control. Instead of spiralling, try shifting your focus to what you can influence. This change in mindset alone can reduce the weight of overwhelming situations.

4. Reframe the “Shoulds”

If your internal dialogue is filled with “I should be doing this” or “I should be doing that,” it’s time to reframe those thoughts. Start asking yourself, “Do I want to do this?” This shift in language creates more compassion and reduces unnecessary stress.

5. Start the Day with Quiet

Before the chaos of the day takes over, carve out some quiet time for yourself. Whether it’s a few minutes of meditation, journaling, or simply sitting with your coffee, starting the day with intention can set the tone for a more peaceful mindset.

6. Embrace Imperfection

Perfectionism fuels stress. Life is messy, and so are we. Embrace it. Let go of the idea that everything has to be just right, and you’ll be amazed at how much lighter you feel.

7. Limit Social Media

Endless scrolling can create unnecessary comparison and stress. Give yourself permission to unplug. Set boundaries around when and how long you engage with social media, and use that time to focus on things that fill you up.

8. Practice Gratitude (In Your Own Way)

Gratitude doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or even written down. It’s about noticing the little moments that bring joy. Whether you think about it while brushing your teeth or whisper it in your head before bed, gratitude shifts your focus to what’s going right.

9. Ask for Help

You don’t have to do it all. It’s okay to ask for help, whether it’s from family, friends, or a coach. Leaning on others isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a strength. Allowing support can reduce stress and lighten the load.

10. Invest in Coaching

Coaching has been one of the most impactful tools in my own stress-reduction journey. Having someone help you see your blind spots, hold you accountable, and guide you toward your goals can be life-changing. You don’t have to wait until you’re overwhelmed to benefit from coaching—it’s for anyone looking to create more balance and clarity in their life.

Take the First Step Today

If you’re feeling the weight of stress building up, don’t wait until you hit rock bottom to make changes. Start with these small shifts today, and see how they transform your mindset and well-being. And if you’re ready for more personalized support, click here to learn about my coaching programs and how they can help you live a life you love—without the stress.

reduce stressstress managementavoid burnoutsimpole stress reliefmindfulness strategiescreating balancesaying noemotional wellbeingdaily gratitudemanaging stress naturallycoachin for stresswork life balanceself care tipsreduce overwhelm
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Alison Wills

Alison Wills is a Master Coach - she helps women stop saying "should" so they can love the life they live

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