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Alison Wills

Why I had to hit rock bottom to learn what really matters

October 01, 20243 min read

Why I Had to Hit Rock Bottom to Learn What Really Matters

A few years ago, I hit rock bottom—full adrenal fatigue. It wasn’t a sickness in the traditional sense, but I was exhausted from trying to be everything for everyone, all the time. The worst part? I didn’t even realize how deep I was in until my body completely gave out. I was stuck in a cycle of “shoulds,” juggling work, kids, activities, and constantly putting myself last. The weight of it all caught up with me, and I knew something had to change.

I don’t share this because I want anyone to feel sorry for me, but because I want others to learn from my story before they find themselves in a similar place. You don’t have to walk away from your job or hit rock bottom to realize that life can be simpler and less stressful. Trust me—there is another way.

Learning to Say No

For the longest time, I thought saying yes to everything was my superpower. If I could handle it all, I was somehow proving my worth, right? Wrong. Learning to say no was one of the hardest lessons for me, but it’s also been one of the most freeing. I started setting boundaries—gently, at first. I made space for myself by saying no to the things that didn’t align with my priorities. And guess what? The world didn’t fall apart.

Creating Space Between Things

This one was a game-changer. I used to rush from one thing to the next—barely breathing, let alone pausing. Now, I intentionally leave space between activities. Whether it’s five minutes to just sit with a cup of tea or an afternoon blocked out to do nothing, creating this space has become sacred for my well-being. It’s in the quiet moments where I reconnect with myself and avoid burnout.

The Power of Coaching

One of the most profound shifts in my life came from the coaching programs I’ve taken over the years. Not only did I gain tools and strategies, but I also experienced something unexpected—peer coaching. Each program required me to be coached by my peers, and those sessions changed me in ways I never could have imagined. There’s something transformative about being coached by someone who can see your blind spots and guide you to your own answers.

I truly believe coaching is for everyone. You don’t have to be in crisis mode or struggling with major issues to benefit from it. In fact, some of the best insights I’ve gained have come during times when I thought everything was “fine.” Coaching has given me clarity, perspective, and the tools to live a life I love—without the stress that once consumed me.

Are You Ready to Simplify?

If any part of my story resonates with you, and you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you’re juggling too much, I encourage you to explore coaching. You don’t have to wait until you’re completely drained to make changes. I’ve been where you are, and I’m passionate about helping others find balance before they hit rock bottom.

If you’re ready to take that first step, I’d love to support you on your journey. Click here to learn more about my coaching programs and how they can help you stress less, say no, and create more space for what truly matters. Because life is too short to be spent running on empty.

adrenal fatiguesimplify lifereduce stressavoid burnoutlearninig to say nocreate balancemindfulnessstress managementwork life balanceovercoming exhaustionlife coaching
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Alison Wills

Alison Wills is a Master Coach - she helps women stop saying "should" so they can love the life they live

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