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Embracing Morning Moments: Why “Coffee With My Dogs” is My Daily Delight 🌄☕🐶

August 23, 20232 min read

Embracing Morning Moments: Why “Coffee With My Dogs” is My Daily Delight 🌄☕🐶

The Morning Magic: Beyond the Digital Dive

Hey, Friends! 👋
Waking up to the soft melody of birds 🐦 and a gentle light painting the room spells undeniable magic. Yet, for many of us, the allure of the digital realm tempts. Before soaking in the morning calm, we’re engrossed in emails and notifications 📱. However, there’s a richer way to start your day.


A Cherished Ritual: Coffee with Furry Companions 🐾
Diving back to our chat about embracing September’s rhythms, one crucial piece stands out – our morning moments. For me, the magic unfolds with “Coffee with My Dogs”. Initially, a simple routine with Poquita has now evolved, bringing in lively moments with Stella and Kodi. Wrapped in my comfy jammies, this isn’t merely about coffee; it’s an embrace of mindfulness 🧘 and intention-setting.

Real Talk: Every Morning Isn’t Perfect
Let’s be honest, not every dawn is filled with tranquility. Some mornings, the siren call of my cozy bed 🛏️ reigns supreme. The ensuing hours might whirl in a mix of laughter, chores, and surprises. Yet, the essence remains – seeking that unique moment of solace with my coffee cup in hand. Without this ritual, a void lingers in my day.

Finding Your Moment: Beyond Time Constraints
Ever felt mornings aren’t your thing? Or perhaps, the spirited energy of your children turns the early hours into a vibrant jamboree 💃? I’ve been there. The trick, however, isn’t just about ‘when’ but ‘what’. It’s the art of crafting a serene niche, amidst chaos or calm. Transitioning between various daily roles, it’s this moment that keeps me anchored ⚓.

Connect, Share, Discover
I’m curious, what’s your sunrise ritual? My routine, simple as it seems, grounds me, preparing me for all adventures – be it kiddo antics or hubby’s newfound home office shenanigans 🙈. And if you’re feeling the spark to curate such enriching moments, let’s explore together. Consider booking a discovery call with me 📞. Together, we can shape routines that align with your rhythm, making each day a poetic saga 🌅


Havanesemorning routinecoffee with the dogscalm before the dayfully presentcentered
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Alison Wills

Alison Wills is a Master Coach - she helps women stop saying "should" so they can love the life they live

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