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Grace Notes

Write Yourself Grace Notes for 2025

January 07, 20253 min read

Write Yourself Grace Notes for 2025

Life can often feel like an endless checklist, with pressure to be productive, present, and perfect all at once. But what if, instead of measuring our days by accomplishments, we gave ourselves the gift of grace? Grace notes are gentle reminders to let go of the pressure and focus on what truly matters.

Why Grace Matters

Grace is not about giving up; it’s about giving yourself space to breathe, feel, and be human. When we carry the weight of perfectionism, we risk losing sight of the moments that truly matter—the ones that bring us joy, connection, and peace.

One of the most freeing lessons I’ve learned is that relaxing is doing. Saying yes to slowing down, even when there’s a long list of tasks calling my name, is one of the kindest things I’ve done for myself. Just the other day, I chose to leave dishes in the sink so I could join my kids for a board game. The laughter and connection we shared were worth so much more than a spotless kitchen.

Real-Life Grace Notes

Grace notes aren’t grand gestures; they’re the little ways we show ourselves kindness in everyday life. Here are a few examples from my journey:

  • Permission to Pause
    There was a time when I felt guilty for taking breaks, especially during busy days. Now, I remind myself that rest fuels productivity. Last week, instead of powering through emails, I stepped outside for a 10-minute walk. That simple act of pausing helped me return to work with a clearer mind and renewed energy.

  • Letting Go of Perfection
    Perfection used to be my constant companion, whispering that nothing I did was ever enough. But when I started giving myself grace, I realized that progress, not perfection, creates a meaningful life. Whether it’s an unfinished project or a recipe that didn’t turn out quite right, I remind myself that imperfect efforts still count.

  • Setting Boundaries with Love
    Another grace note I’ve embraced is permission to say no. Recently, I turned down an invite to a late-night movie with friends. I knew that saying yes would mean feeling tired and overwhelmed the next day. While it was tempting to go, I honoured my own needs instead. Grace notes like this remind me that it’s okay to prioritize myself, even when it’s hard.

Practical Ways to Write Your Own Grace Notes

If you’re wondering how to start incorporating grace notes into your life, here are a few ideas:

  • Write a Daily Grace Reminder
    Each morning, jot down a simple note of grace. For example:

    • "Today, I will prioritize rest without guilt."

    • "I will leave the laundry for tomorrow and enjoy a quiet evening."

  • Create a Grace Jar
    Write your grace notes on slips of paper and place them in a jar. When life feels overwhelming, pull one out as a gentle reminder to give yourself some breathing room.

  • Celebrate Small Wins
    Instead of waiting for big milestones, celebrate small victories, like taking 5 minutes for yourself, saying no to something draining, or choosing joy over obligation.

How Grace Notes Transform Your Year

These small shifts in mindset can create profound change. When we let go of the pressure to be everything to everyone, we make room for joy, connection, and balance. Imagine what 2025 could feel like if you approached each day with grace—more laughter, more rest, and more clarity about what truly matters.

What grace notes can you write for yourself in 2025? Maybe it’s:

  • "Grace to leave a mess so I can enjoy a moment with my kids."

  • "Grace to rest without guilt."

  • "Grace to say no to things that don’t align with my needs."

  • "Grace to let progress, not perfection, guide me."

As you think about your own grace notes, consider how they could set the tone for your year. If you’re ready to embrace grace and find clarity, balance, and purpose, my BLOSSOM beyond LIMITS coaching program can help. It’s a year-long journey designed to support your transformation, one small step at a time.

Let’s make 2025 the year of grace and growth.

grace notesself-careslowing downpersonal growthbalance in lifejoyful livingembrace imperfection
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Alison Wills

Alison Wills is a Master Coach - she helps women stop saying "should" so they can love the life they live

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